White-label widget or API
Ignacio Rodriguez
We recently completed the first development iteration of our APIs and we are doing an alpha testing.
By participating in the alpha testing, you'll have the opportunity to:
- Try out the features and capabilities of our Enzyme APIs
- Share your thoughts on user experience and performance
- Help us find and fix bugs or issues
- Contribute to the development of the APIs before the public release
In case you are interested, we will grant your account access to request an API token, under your Enzyme account. But to do that we will need the email associated with your Enzyme account.
Please send an email to support@avantgarde.finance with the name of your vault and the email associated to your Enzyme account.
Ignacio Rodriguez Any Update?
Seysed Babak Hosseini MOghadam
This tool is essential both for managing fund and reporting to investors.
Vasseh ahmed
this would be awesome
Ignacio Rodriguez
Totally agree with this. Directing people to Enzyme site every time doesn’t feel like the ideal user flow.
Benoit Sauvage
Would be super helpful indeed. At the very least, a REST API end point that anyone can query to return fund live and historical prices.