Juan Ignacio Fernandez
ParaSwap has been down or providing no price reference.
Plus, Ive executed it Uniswap V3 (the only one supposedly working) and there trade doesnt execute. It discounts the fees, but wont make it.
Ivan Herger
You may need to wait a bit to get quotes.
Juan Ignacio Fernandez
Ivan Herger: Cant still execute trades
Paraswap wont work
Uniswap V3 will discount gas fees but wont execute the trades
Im trying to buy LINK with USDT
Juan Ignacio Fernandez
This is another example from another trial
This has made us lose around USD 3000
Juan Ignacio Fernandez
Now I've tried using ParaSwap (now it appears to be working)
but charges the gas fees but won't execute the trade, neither
I've already spent USD 300 in gas fees but can't buy LINK.
We need help.